Vaisala Energy Support
Dashboard Tutorial
1. Getting Started
1.1 What is the Dashboard?
The 3TIER Dashboard is an online "workspace," allowing you to customize how data is displayed and organized for the specific needs and demands of your work goals and day-to-day operations. It is made up of folders, which contain pages with tools presenting different resource data.
1.2 What is a folder?
A folder is the top-level method of organizing and grouping information within your dashboard. Each folder can contain zero or more pages. You can create many different folders to suit your various user needs and give them unique names to facilitate navigation. Folders clearly display all of the pages they contain with clickable, orange links that take you directly to the page. At the folder level you can also see the names of the tools that are located on different pages. Learn more about folders.
1.3 What is a page?
A page is the second-level method of organizing and grouping information within your dashboard. A page is located within a folder and contains zero or more tools. It is a way of logically grouping similar tools or tools that deliver resource information for a similar purpose. Pages have three different layout options: 1 column, 2 columns, and 3 columns. From any specific page, you can use the "My Dashboard" tab in the upper left-hand side of your screen to navigate to any other page even if it is in a different folder. Learn more about pages.
1.4 What is a tool?
A tool is the smallest unit of your dashboard, yet it is the most important since it is what actually displays the resource information you need. An example of a 3TIER dashboard tool is a wind forecasting meteogram graphic displaying a day ahead forecast. Tools can easily be rearranged on a page by clicking, dragging, and dropping them where you want. They can also be quickly magnified, added or removed, and collapsed or expanded. Learn more about tools.
1.5 What is a linkable tool?
A linkable tool is slightly different than a regular dashboard tool because it responds to actions performed by another tool. An example of a linkable tool would be the tools within the Wind Prospecting Tools. When linked to the Map Controller they change their data displays as the user clicks new locations on the map. For more information on how linkable tools function please see Linking and Unlinking.
2. Folders
2.1 Creating Folders
When you are logged on to your account and viewing the dashboard homepage, you can easily create a new folder by typing in the field at the upper right-hand side of your screen labeled "Add a new folder". You can select any name you like for your folder and edit it later on if you change your mind.
2.2 Editing Folders
Changing Folder Names
From your dashboard homepage, you can edit the name of any of your folders by clicking the orange "Edit Folder Name" link located next to the folder’s current name. A write-in field will appear where the folder’s name was located. Type in your new name and click "Save Folder" to confirm the new name or "Cancel" if you have changed your mind and want to keep the original name.
Changing Folder Content
From your dashboard homepage, you can add new pages to your dashboard by clicking on the "Add Page" button in the upper right-hand side of one of your folders.
Clicking the "Add Page" button takes you to a new screen, where you will 1) title your dashboard page, 2) select the folder in which it will be located, and 3) determine its initial page layout (1, 2, or 3 columns). Please note, that all of these settings can be changed easily later on.
Once you have completed steps 1 - 3, you have a few options.
- Save Page & Add Tools: You can save the new page and set it up with tools by clicking "Save Page & Add Tools." This will take you to the "Add Tools" screen. There you can add any of the tools available to you and view the page immediately by clicking the "Back to Page" button in the upper right-hand corner.
- Save New Page: You can also just save the page and add tools later by clicking "+ Save New Page." This option will return you to your dashboard homepage.
- Cancel: If you decide you no longer want to add a page, you can always click "Cancel," which also returns you to your dashboard homepage.
2.3 Navigating between Folders
Navigating between folders can be done in several ways:
- From your dashboard homepage, you can view folders not listed at the top by simply using your scroll bar to move down your homepage to other folders. Folders are shown in alphanumeric order from top to bottom.
- From a specific dashboard page you can click on the "My Dashboard" tab on the upper left-hand side of your screen to see all of your folders and the pages contained within them. Folders are shown in alphanumeric order from left to right.
Note: From a specific dashboard page you can also return to your dashboard homepage by clicking on the orange highlighted "Dashboard" tab located in the top left-hand side of your screen. This will allow you to view folders by scrolling as described in method one.
2.4 Deleting Folders
Currently you cannot delete folders, without contacting Customer Support.
3. Pages
3.1 Creating Pages
From your dashboard homepage, you can add new pages to your dashboard by clicking on the "Add Page" button in the upper right-hand side of one of your folders.
Clicking the "Add Page" button takes you to a new screen, where you will 1) title your dashboard page, 2) select the folder in which it will be located, and 3) determine its initial page layout (1, 2, or 3 columns). Please note, that all of these settings can be changed easily later on.
Once you have completed steps 1 - 3, you have a few options.
- Save Page & Add Tools: You can save the new page and set it up with tools by clicking "Save Page & Add Tools." This will take you to the "Add Tools" screen. There you can add any of the tools available to you and view the page immediately by clicking the "Back to Page" button in the upper right-hand corner.
- Save New Page: You can also just save the page and add tools later by clicking "+ Save New Page." This option will return you to your dashboard homepage.
- Cancel: If you decide you no longer want to add a page, you can always click "Cancel," which also returns you to your dashboard homepage.
3.2 Editing Pages
To a change a page name, move it to a different folder, or change layout, click on the button pictured below, located in the upper right-hand side of your screen. When you roll your mouse over this button a pop up reading "Modify settings for _____ page" will appear. When you click on the button a drop down menu will appear. Highlight the "Edit Page Settings" option and click it.

This will take you to a new screen. At the top of the screen there will be a field where you can type in a new page name. Next you will see a drop down menu where you can select a new folder location. Last you will see where you can select a new page layout. Select 1 Column Layout, 2 Column Layout, or 3 Column Layout.
Now you can either:
- Save Page: To save your new page settings click "Save Page." This option will confirm your changes and return you to the page.
- Cancel: If you decide you no longer want to change your page, you can always click "Cancel," which also returns you to the page, but with your original settings.
3.3 Navigating between Pages
Navigating between pages can be done in several ways:
- From your dashboard homepage, you can view pages not listed at the top by simply using your scroll bar to move down your homepage to other pages. Pages are shown in alphanumeric order from left to right.
- From a specific dashboard page you can click on the "My Dashboard" tab on the upper left-hand side of your screen to see all of your folders and the pages contained within them. Folders are shown in alphanumeric order from left to right. Pages are shown in alphanumeric order from top to bottom.
Note: From a specific dashboard page you can also return to your dashboard homepage by clicking on the orange highlighted "Dashboard" tab located in the top left-hand side of your screen. This will allow you to view pages by scrolling as described in method one.
3.4 Deleting Pages
Currently you cannot delete pages, without contacting Customer Support.
4. Tools
4.1 Adding Tools
To add new tools to page from your dashboard homepage, simply click on the orange link to the page and then click on the plus button shown below, which appears in the upper right-hand corner of each page.

When you roll your mouse over this button a pop up reading "Add tools to ____ page" will appear. When you click it, it will take you to a new "Add Tools" screen. There you can add any of the tools available to you by clicking on the orange "+ADD" button next to each tool. As you add tools, they will flash orange for a moment and appear in the "Current Tools" column on the right-hand side of your screen. From the "Current Tools" column you can move your tools around from different page columns. For example, you might drag and drop a tool from Column 2 to Column 1.
When you are done you can view the page immediately by clicking the "Back to Page" button in the upper right-hand corner.
4.2 Editing Tools
From any page you can rearrange, magnify, collapse/expand, or link/unlink tools. You can also edit tool settings.
To rearrange tools on a page, you simply click and hold the tool you want to move with your mouse, drag it to a new location, and release your mouse click.
If you need to take a closer look at a tool, you can expand it by clicking on the magnifying button shown below.

When you roll your mouse over this button a pop up reading "Magnify this tool" appears. When you click this button, is will reappear approximately 4 times larger in the center of your screen. It may take a moment for the tool to refresh.
When you are done viewing the tool in its magnified setting, click anywhere in your browser window to close it and return back to your page.
Collapsing and Expanding
When you have too many tools on one page and want to simplify your view without deleting any tools, you can collapse the tools you don’t need to see by clicking on the button shown below. It is located on the right-hand side of each tool next to its title.

When you roll your mouse over this button a pop up reading "Modify Settings for this Tool" appears. When you click the button a drop down menu will appear giving you the option to "Collapse Tool." When you highlight and click "Collapse Tool" with your mouse, the tool will compress so that you can only see its title and tool bar options.
When you are ready to see it again, click the same button as before. This time the drop down menu will give you the option to "Expand Tool." Highlight and click "Expand Tool" with your mouse and the tool will expand so that you can see all of it again.
Linking and Unlinking
Each "linkable" tool can be linked or unlinked with the Map Controller. When a tool is in "linked" mode it will change its data display as you click around the map. When a tool is "unlinked" it will lock or 'freeze' the data from the last location you selected. Please note that only one Map Controller is permitted per page.
Whether a tool is linked or unlinked with the Map Controller is indicated by the icon at the far left-hand side of the tool next to its title.

Linked Mode

Unlinked Mode
To link or unlink a tool use the button pictured below, which is located on the right-hand side of each tool next to its title.

When you roll your mouse over this button a pop up reading "Modify Settings for this Tool" appears. When you click the button a drop down menu will appear giving you the option to either "Link Tool," if it is in unlinked mode, or "Unlink Tool," if it is in linked mode. Highlight and click the option you want with your mouse, the icon will change to indicate that the tool is now linked or unlinked.
Editing Tool Settings
You can make changes to tool settings by using the button pictured below, which is located on the right-hand side of each tool next to its title.

When you roll your mouse over this button a pop up reading "Modify settings for this tool" appears. When you click the button a drop down menu will appear giving you the option to "Edit Settings." When you highlight and click "Edit Settings" your tool will expand, revealing a settings window showing you all of the various settings that can be adjusted for that particular tool. Make the desired changes and click "Submit."
If you decide you don’t want to make changes to your tool settings, simply click the "Close" link in orange at the top of the window or highlight and click "Edit Settings" from the Modify Settings button again. Both methods will collapse and hide the settings window.
Information on the specific settings that can be changed for each tool is described in the support section specific to each tool.
4.3 Removing Tools
To remove a tool from your page, click the button shown below, which is located in the upper right-hand corner of each tool. When you roll your mouse over this button a pop up reading "Modify settings for this tool" will appear. When you click on the button a drop down menu will appear. Highlight the "Remove Tool" option and click it. The tool will then immediately disappear from your page. If you change your mind later and want to re-add the tool to the page, you can do so easily by following the instructions under Adding Tools.